Thursday, August 19, 2010

Needing advice about my wife kissing another?

I while back my wife kissed another guy and this really bother me a lot and of course i wonder if it was more than a kiss( does she care about him, did they have sex what?). i told i did not feel right about them still talking even though she said they talk about the kiss and agree it was a mistake and they are only friends. she first said ok she would not talk to him anymore and i was trying to forgive her. then later i found out that she eas still talking to him and we fought about it. i still tell i wish she would not speak with him at all but her only response is we are just friends and that she is not giving up her friendship with him just for me. She tell me i am just being controling with her. It bothers me a lot that she want stoping talking to this guy to help our marriage. I love her more than i could ever express to her or anybody. At one time we had a great sex life and now it is about once a month. I feel like that is just because she is scared of getting pregnant again because have lost our last baby( we have three). but also at the same time i find it odd that she knows this other as been fixed and cant have more kids. i want to feel like my wife loves me like she use to and she does try but it doesnt feel the same anymore. like before i love her so much that i dont want a divorce or a seperation I just wnat to be able to see her smile at me agian everyday not just some days.Needing advice about my wife kissing another?
Old friendships and lovers are very hard to forget if you keep seeing them. She needs to cut him off completely if she wants to be faithful to you. When a couple get married they become one and have to be totally in love and trust each other. If she is messing around kissing someone else she is not as in love with you as much as a wife should be.Needing advice about my wife kissing another?
You sound jealous. Don't be jealous. If she's going to fukc him, then she's going to fukc him. If u want to know the truth... call CHEATERS... or if u want to keep it private... hire a PI.

as for ur relationship... just be nice to her. Spoil her with love... admire her. Bathe her wash her... u kno the deal. Be creative in ur love for her.
I would also have a problem with my partner maintaining a friendship with someone he'd crossed the line with.

You guys need counselling. You should be talking to each other, and instead, she's talking to some other guy, and you're talking to us.
No she should not be kissing any man besides you. She definitely should not be talking to him. How is talking to a guy she kissed before helping your marriage?!~

My husband would kill me if i kissed another man.....she doesnt sound like she cant be trusted
based on the first 8 words of your question, I'm gonna say...... dump her

ya know, nip it in the bud.

I read the rest know to be fair, and well...... DUMP HER.
If she's not willing to give him up she's not trying to make your marriage work.

Have you thought of using birth control? Three kids is enough.
You guys need counseling. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your child.
kick her ***
if she truely loves you, then she will do wat u say. because y would she want to make you unhappy? he's just a stupid guy and shes putting him before u basically. i told my bf to stop talking with certain people and so he did. because he loves and cares about me. you seriuosly need some way for her to stop talkin with him because she mite end up liking him alot.
';but her only response is we are just friends and that she is not giving up her friendship with him just for me';

Just for you???

Dude, I hate to break it to you but she doesnt love you. Those are not the words of a woman who has you as her priority. Even if she thinks its ok to be friends with a guy, she gave up the right to be friends with THAT guy when she kissed him. And now she went back on her word because she doesnt want to lose the friend, ';just for you';?? Thats messed up, man. Rather than let her beat the crap out your self esteem as the relationship falters, why not beat her to the punch and kick her sorry *** out?
Hmmm ... buddy, your gut instince is telling you something and it's correct 90% of the time ... it's sad to hear you feel that way, but you two have drifted apart and your feeling for her is less and less everyday .... it seems that the kids are the only reason you're staying married, and I'm pretty sure that she feels the same way ...

I'm sorry budd, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I was you... I would file for seperation and work out a contract to take care of the kids and then I'll try to move on ... but this is killing you and you know it ...

Hope that helps. Good luck.
You can't ask someone to give up a friendship because your penis shrink every time you think she's cheating on you

First things is you don't have a clue whats going on so don't blame her

Second let it be do your thing bro work pay bills do what you have to too do things right in this world.

Third always have sex with her important only when she wants it

Fourth party hard with your friends and let her know your partying so every things cool and she will get a feeling of cheating over you this would make her think the same thing you where thinking of her she would most likely be as protective as you are and at that moment, show her love do thing that you wish she would have done when you felt insecure about her. Good luck dude
If she continued 2 talk 2 him after she said it stopped and then u find out by chance. she not being honest bout it , so what else she hiding?? Has your sex life slowed down after the kiss ,maybe hers havnt ! Did she tell u she kissed him or did u see it or was told? if she told you ,she honest,all good , build a bridge. if not DONT TRUST HER !! and it all depends how often they chattin. once month is ok , everyday or second day is a worry is wrong , when would u be able to chat with her
Well, first of all she is in the wrong by seeing another man if she loved you she would stop talking to him and would try fixing things between the both of you. Have you ever sat down and talk to her about going to see a marriage counsellor and the both of you putting all of your problems on the table so you can see if you can work through them?

When she says that they are only friends she is lying, friends do not kiss and she should not be kissing another man when she is with you, it will lead into other things, especially if she has feelings for this guy, and she is not going to tell you the truth if she has feelings for this other guy.

Just to let you know also they are warning signs that they might end up together, I wouldn't trust her not after she kissed him.

I know you love her but by the sounds of it she doesn't love you, you can try marriage counselling and if that doesn't work then she doesn't care or love you anymore and she is unhappy for some reason or other.

I know it is hard I am a 28 year old woman and I have been through that with a man and it does hurt when you love that person, but your best bet is to move on and let her go, that is if you can't fix your marriage.

I moved on and you know what I have found somebody that loves me for who I am and respects me, and cares for me. There is somebody out there for you and they will never want to be away from you. My fiance and I never want to be apart and we are always happy, we never fight or argue we have the best relationship anybody could ever want because we love each other and that is all that matters.

I wish you the best of luck and like I said try going to see a marriage counsellor and if that doesn't work then just let her go and move on. It will be hard to do but it will better for you in the long run.

The saying I always say Once a cheater always a cheater.

I wish you the best of luck!

If I ever kissed somebody else my fiance would leave me for one and would probably kill me second of all.

She should be kissing you and you only no other it is just wrong and it shows that she is unfaithful to you or anybody for that matter.

If she will do it to you she will do it to anybody and if she loves you she needs to cut him out completely.

Another thing if she loves you she will do anything to fix the problem in the relationship but if she won't then she doesn't really care how you feel. Take her to court and get full custody of the children and not only that but she has definately did more with this guy then just kiss him she has also had sex with him, because if she didn't do more with him she would stop talking to him and she would try and work things out with you.
i agree with you she should have not kissed him. it was wrong and

was a form of cheating. and she still talks to him. something she

shouldn't do. you must put your foot down and tell her enough is

enough. tell her if she continues talking to him you are going to walk

out the door. maybe she will see that you have had enough and will stop. she needs an eye opener. she thinks your not going to do any

thing. so she is not going to stop unless you stop her.
Internet Hate Machine is a GENIUS! But seriously bro, R U STUPID? If she does not respect you, her husband, to honor your wishes( remember the whole honor and obey thing in you vows?)(and that swings both ways mind you) then she's is not capable of the level of maturity to remain married. The fact you need to ask us(the unwashed masses) for our opinions is proof enough of your own doubts. Good luck, love yourself, love god and all things will be easy if you stay within yourself.
It seems like you have tried to talk to your wife and she feels as though you are being controlling, so how about you tell your wife that this still bothers you and see if she is willing to go to a marriage counselor? Explain to her that this person will be a neutral party and should be able to shed some insight into a few of these issues that you all seem to have going on.

Good Luck
She is cheating on you! It doesn't matter if it was a kiss or not! She is not interested in ceasing the conversations she is having with this guy. Your needs do not matter to her at all! The thing made children with this wretched woman. She is teaching your children that men are spineless, dispensable, and as long as it feels good then it is OK to stomp on someone's heart in spite of the fact that you made a promise and broke it. Gather information. Write a journal. Get full custody. Make her pay child support. Get an attorney. So she is cheating and projects to YOU that YOU are controlling and YOU BOUGHT THIS LIE. WHY!?!?!

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