Sunday, August 22, 2010

FIRST KISS ADVICE PLEASE HELP? boyfriend has been wanting to kiss me ever since i came to his school and im just to nervous to do it...Whats do guys think adorable what you do to them?? Help please.... :)FIRST KISS ADVICE PLEASE HELP?
just go with the flow. nothing to be nervous about. If you have never kissed (french) a boy before, just tell him. I can tell you that the first time I kissed I wasnt expecting when his tongue just burst into my mouth, lol. but I can tell you that in the moment you wont be nervous and you wont ';do it wrong';. you'll like it!

On the other hand, if it makes you that uncomfortable and you just dont want to kiss him (at all, not yet or not in public) just tell him.FIRST KISS ADVICE PLEASE HELP?
My first kiss was kind of the same, except in this case I was the guy.

I was nervous and she was nervous, but we got over it ;D

It'll be awkward, but just remember he's probably just as nervous (If not more) than you are.
hmm well it depends what kind!

peck: piece of cake just stick your lips out

open mouth: do what he does

dont like rub his back just keep your arms on him like your hugging
put your lips onto his. not much more to say.
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