Monday, August 23, 2010

Help, First kiss advice!?

hiya i want my first kiss to be perfect when i have my firs kiss i want the boy to be wow r u shore that is you first kiss i know this might sound a little fairytaleish but at the moment i don't know hardly anything so i ges even the tinniest thing will help but can you pleas not say stuff like tilt your head so you're noises don't get in the way or make shore you have good breath because those thing are obvious thank you xxxxHelp, First kiss advice!?
my first kiss was awkward, but it was his first kiss too, and we both knew it, so it was pretty funny...we both laughed and he said we should try again. hahaha, it was hilarious, and we are still datin almost 2 years later, don't worry about it, if he likes you he'll understand and think it's cute.Help, First kiss advice!?
A good kiss is an enjoyable kiss, and you can't enjoy anything you're worried about, or thinking about. So as someone says above, make sure you kiss a boy you love, someone you can talk with, then you'll not be weird and awkward and thinky, and will be right inside your lips and fingertips where all the pleasure is.
A girl always remembers her first kiss so make sure it's with someone who is special to you. I'm 48 and still remember my first kiss altho it was sloppy (it was his first kiss too and neither one of us knew what we were doing LOL)it was still special because of who I chose. BTW he and I are still friends
jus make it really special.. so you can remember it for ever..
lean into him and look him in the eyes for a little bit before you kiss and then just let it go it's natural course you should be ok.

good luck
I hate to tell you but very few first kisses are like in the movies or in storybook fairytales. It will be awkward.
Dont worry.

Just follow the lead of the boy
just go with the flow,enjoy yourself

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