Im gonna be 21... and I really want to try and have a girlfriend asap. i am sick of being the only guy without a girl.Can any guys give advice to a 21 year old guy who's never even kissed a girl?
ok well is not very hard to find a gf but sumtimes it is and i was looking 4 a gf and wanted one asap like u did and so i wasnt having any luck so i stopped looking and just went with the flow and thought she will come wenever instead of me finding and wen i stopped looking for a month she found me well we found each other and have been happy as ive ever been in a long while and now its going on 9 months and sooo happy jsut relax and im sure ull get one wen the time is rite and ya trust me im 21 also and there has been plenty of guys who hasnt dne it either but jst go out witha girl or even with a few and then if its rite take a shot and kiss her.Can any guys give advice to a 21 year old guy who's never even kissed a girl?
My advice is to go with a girl, and if it seems to be the right time for both of you, kiss her.
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