Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fist kiss advice anyone?

there's this guy and we both really like each other. we hung out on new years eve and almost kissed but my one friend kept putting us on the spot and made it really awkward so we didn't. me, him, and some of our friends are gonna hang out again soon, and this time i know it's gonna happen. i've never kissed anyone before and i'm kind of nervous, and i don't really know what to do. any suggestions?Fist kiss advice anyone?
:] From the moment he puts his lips to yours your just going to naturally do what feels comfortable to you, if thats closed mouth kissing or open mouth, thats up too you. There is absolutly nothing to be nervous about, Its a fun thing to do.

Dont overthink it, just have fun.

:)%26lt;3Fist kiss advice anyone?

you will feel silly for posting this after your first kiss

because you will be stunned on how natural it comes

honestly you just know

its hard to do anything wrong at all

just dont listen to be like write your name in cursive and stuff you dont even have enough room to do that

just gentley rub your tongue against his
ha i feel you sister i wanna know too
u never really kno

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