nah just don't go farther than kissing lol and well kiss her when you feel like it's the right time and moment. just lean in and do it cause i'm sure she's just waiting for you. don't be gross about it though. a peck is always a nice first kiss. :)
good luckI need some first kiss advice?
no its defintly not to early... well when u and her go to the movies or when u hug her just look her in the eyes and pull her toward u and kiss her.. hope this helps
It's not too early. But you are a little young, so I wouldn't really go past kissing. I would go with the hug idea, it's how most of my boyfriends did it. Hug her, pull back a little, then go for the lips. It's a delicate balance. You want enough pressure that it's not like a kiss on the cheek, but you don't want to suck her face off. Another tip. Keep you're eyes closed. Keep them open gazing into her eyes until the last second, but close them when your lips touch. It lets your other senses come into play and the kiss will be that much more enjoyable. If you decide to use tongue, don't shove it in her mouth. Just gently probe her lips until her mouth opens, then [still gently] swirl your tongue around hers. Keep it a taste, not a meal. Most importantly, don't overthink it! It's crazy, but it really does come natural. Have fun!!
Ah, I had my first kiss when I was 13. I think 2 months is okay, a little delayed, but you have never kissed a girl before so that's fine. Alright what my boyfriend did to go for the kiss (not his or my first but it was cute how he did it) was we hugged, then when I turned away he held on to me, and tilting is head and moving in helped me understand he was going for a kiss! Give her a peck then pull away a little bit and then kiss again.
Good luck, hope I helped:)
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