Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can yuh guys give me advice on a first kiss or how to kiss?

im growing up and i want my first kiss alreadii, can somebody give mii advice on a first kkiss or yuh can also tell me how to kiss.Can yuh guys give me advice on a first kiss or how to kiss?
WOW! all the other answers sucked...

well i guess i gotta give the best answer here...

let me tell you. growing up has nothing to do with kissing. your first kiss will come. kissing someone doesnt make you more mature.

how old are you? i guess it reall dont matter cuz i was 16 when i had my first kiss and it was AMAZING! but it was amazing cuz it was with a girl i loved.

you want it to be specia... so WAIT! why rush it and remember it as just a crappy kiss. if it isnt with someone you love youll regret it. if it is, youll remember it forever...

no matter what kids in school say, i garantee you 75 out of a hundred in middle school and 60 /100 in high school havent kissed anyone yet.

i have been playin varsity sports since i was in the 8th grade and am attractive but that doesnt mean me having kissed a girl sooner would have made me better. the truth is, any idiot can kiss.

dont grow up so fast. and remember that guys think a girl who hasnt kissed is hot. it a turn on. shows you have class.

as far as how to. just start out with small kisses and then within time your hormones will slip the tounge in. dont ask how but it happens. spotaneity rocks yeah!

Can yuh guys give me advice on a first kiss or how to kiss?
Well Dr. Love is here to help you.

I will give you an ';old school tip'; which may or may not help but should in any case get you ready.

No one just starts off Knowing how to kiss regardless to what he or she may say, its bullshit.

Okay try this:

get a carrot and cut it about 6 inches from from the tip NOT the top,

next cut off about half an inch from the pointy tip so its not so pointy.

Now insert the carrot in your mouth and run your tongue around it for a while and then do it in the opposite direction.

You can try that without being embarrassed about talking to your friends about it, when the moment of the REAL kiss comes, you wont be a pro BUT you wont be a nervous rookie either.

Make sure you're comfortable with it, and that you like the guy you're going to kiss. Hmm, I say usually make sure it's somewhere out of public, as having random strangers walk past and watch you isn't particularly memorable!

Just have fun with it basically, and make sure if it's a first kiss it's not too overpowering! Short and sweet at first, then work your way up.

Good luck!
depending on how old you are if you're in the range of 11-12, wait, your too young if you're 13-14 just a quick kiss on the lips, 15-16 kiss passionately but if you're 18 and no 1st kiss, sorry but that's sad, but if you're some where between the 12-14 area don't make out especially if you haven't had your first kiss trust me my boyfriend 2 years ago tried it, ha-ha no me gusta
Honestly , you should wait until marriage, it may sound stupid, but I am a Christian and that is the way my people do in the church. It is lust to kiss or touch, hug or anything if you are not married. Just plain and simply against God.
just wait and your first kiss will come to you dont try to grow up so fast cuz when you get grow you are going to want these days back....Good Luck On Your First Kiss!!!!
If you don't know how to, then you are not ready to kiss yet.
Just relax and enjoy it....You will know when the right time is and please dont rush it.
haha. don't listen to these ppl. they're being weird. kissing just comes. don't worry lol. its natural.
i have been there done that lol i think its like getting ice out of a glass with water in it just not as much struggle
just smack faces and stick your tongue in and play a little
wait and it will come
when the moment comes you'll know what to do;)
im in same problem help

i think its more romantic in the rain?

idk.pretty sad. sorry i didnt help
yea...ur YOUNG.... dont grow up too fast...
making out is easy basically u go i go type of thing wit the tonge
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