I had my first kiss two days ago, with a kid at a jazz camp I went to, but I don't think he actually cared about me. It was more of a ';sure, whatever'; thing to him. It was super awkward and I was terrible at it, and it was really slimy and gross. Is it supposed to be? But the worst part is I feel so sick. I have no appetite and I can't stop thinking about how awkward the whole thing was...any advice? He was allegedly more experienced, but I don't think he was that great either. I live two hours away from him and I can't drive and he doesn't even like me. Someone help me!After-kiss advice please...I feel ill.?
its all in your head are you 12? kissing happens and most of the time it doesnt mean anything get over it its done forget about him he has already forgotten about you or is laughing it up with his friends
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